Since we desire to raise Graham as one who seeks hard after the good, the true, and the beautiful, I wanted to begin intentionally introducing him to truths that have enriched my own life. I find the memorization of scripture a helpful anchor to remember who we’re called and created to be.
In my own life, I’ve been feeling prompted to be more intentional about extending grace. I’m grateful for the refreshing presence of a few friends in my life who embody grace for me, who inspire me to be the sort of person who is quick to assume the best of others, rather than the worst. Around them, it feels like there is permission for deep breaths, for vulnerability, for fumbling over words, and for being human. It’s the sort of presence I imagine Christ had and it’s the sort of presence I long to have cultivated in me.
So I began memorizing John 1:16, “For from His fullness we have all received grace upon grace.” I found myself saying it aloud in the car when frustrated by other drivers or when Graham would apologize for something, reminding myself and him that we give grace because we’ve been given grace.

I expected it was too early to expect memorization with a two year old and was happy to just make these truths more familiar to him. But one day from the backseat of the car, I heard his sweet little toddler voice say, “Grace ‘pon grace…Ezactly!” And it’s motivated me ever since to infuse our days with truths such as this.
I’ve created a simple printable of John 1:16 in a few different sizes and fonts should anyone wish to join us. I plan to share a new verse here each month.
They’re intentionally simple and can be used as is, but we’ve made use of them as canvases as well.
May you and yours experience grace upon glorious grace, as both givers and recipients.

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