• Home Preschool: The Letter E

    This week explores the letter E through eyes, Eric Carle, listening eggs, emotions, and more. You’ll also find the weekly book list, poems, and art projects.

  • Home Preschool: The Letter D

    This week explores the letter D through digging in the dirt, Claude Debussy, dot stickers, dinosaurs, dancing, and more. You’ll also find the weekly book list, poems, and art projects.

  • Home Preschool: The Letter C

    This week explores the letter C through cardboard, Aaron Copland, carrots, crayons, clouds, and more. You’ll also find the weekly book list, poems, and art projects.

  • Home Preschool: The Letter A

    This week explores the letter A through animals, Andy Warhol, aluminum foil, and more. You’ll also find the weekly book list, poems, and art projects.

  • Introducing: The Home Preschool Series

    If you are currently spending your days with a child between the ages of two and four, I’m excited to share a collection of resources that I have gathered and created for learning together. This week I’ll be sharing the first week in a series of plans for home preschool that include book lists, poetry, art projects, memory verses and more. If you don’t need the plans in their entirety, there still might be some useful odds and ends there for you and your little one. I initially put this post out there excited about sharing something I’ve worked very hard on. And that is true. But it’s also true…

  • A Book of Emotions

    This project has been a long lingering item on my to do list, but now that it’s finished, I love flipping through the pages with the boys. It’s been such a simple, helpful tool for nurturing emotional growth in little ones. Since Graham was a tiny baby, I’ve attempted to capture a spectrum of emotions with hopes of documenting the fleeting seasons. And the more that I documented, the more that I wanted to eventually put them into a book as a tool for building an emotional vocabulary. It’s been a priority for us from pretty early on to give him words for expressing what he’s feeling. We wanted to…

  • Psalm 28:7 | Memory Verse Collection

    There are many potential themes for the songs we sing with our lives. We can sing songs of accomplishment, songs of anxiety, songs of self-sufficiency, songs of overwhelm, songs of hurry, songs of importance, songs of the almost good. But  allowing our song to be one of praise suggests an anchoring, a steadiness throughout the chaos that is life. Praise is the song that is appropriate for every occasion, when other songs become irrelevant. It suggests that for every circumstance, we turn to the God who is present and faithful and enough. It suggests that even when life is hard, God is comfort. That when life is good, God is the…

  • Genesis 1:31 | Memory Verse Collection

    This month we’ve been exploring the creation story and delighting in the fact that God is one who creates good things. We slowly unpacked the story of creation: from chaos, order; from nothing, life; from darkness, light. I crave rhythms that remind me to speak truth into Graham’s life because I know how prone I am to forgetfulness. But I am also leaning into impromptu moments of speaking truth over him as it comes to mind. Today before nap time was an instance, “Did you know God loves you? The same God who made the stars and the moon and the flowers made you and calls you good. I love…

  • Revelation 21:5 | Memory Verse Collection

    As we begin afresh with another year, I’m thankful for the promises of newness we find scattered throughout our lives. Each new year. Each new season. Each new morning. With every sunrise, I see this verse displayed and am filled with gratitude that we are made new in the same way the days are made new—over and over and over. I find this act of being made new to be less destination focused and more a matter of process. There is beauty waiting not just at the end, but also in the becoming, in the unfolding of that beauty along the way. I find encouragement in the way that after…