Spiritual Growth,  Uncategorized,  Whole Childhood

Deuteronomy 6:5 | Memory Verse Collection

This verse felt fitting for our family this month because as a two year old boy, Graham is currently very interested in strength.

And I have been in a season of feeling prompted to lay down the miscellaneous good in order to make space for the truest good. I’ve grown distracted by chasing after all the good things instead of starting with the truest good and allowing it to trickle down through the rest of my life.

The good things are only good within the context of proper relationship. If our relationship with God is out of alignment, then we can’t hold the good things well. They become idols and distractions, and thus no longer good. But when we love God with all our heart, soul, and strength, the good blossoms naturally. 

So, this month we’re meditating on loving God with all that we are: all of our heart, soul, and strength.

May our hearts become aligned with God’s. May we not only prioritize God in our lives, but may we allow God to be everything. May we wake each day devoting all of our breath and all of our strength to God’s purpose and vision for our lives. 

Below you’ll find a simple printable of this verse to print out and hang around your house or decorate with your child as an art invitation.