• 9 Simple Practices to Anchor and Quiet Your Soul

    I recently published a series about identifying the challenges that get in the way of quieting our souls. And so I wanted to follow that up with some practical ways that I’ve been learning to commune with God in the everyday. There is something sacred about quiet time in the traditional sense, however in some seasons of life, quiet moments grow less frequent than we’d like and we need practices that remind us to invite God to be with us in the chaos. The following practices have been helpful for me in that: 1. A Daily Centering Prayer There is something significant about making space to listen to the truths…

  • 8 Prayers to Pray with Little Ones

    The habit of prayer is something that I’ve been striving to better cultivate in my own life and that I wanted to invite Graham into as well. I value the way that prayer invites us to a place of gratitude and how it recenters us as we request that God work in our hearts and lives to make us more like Him. The prayers gathered here are rooted in these two particular aspects because I think they’re a solid starting foundation for introducing children to prayer. One of the greatest obstacles for me about instilling rhythms of prayer in my own life has been simply remembering to do it. Meal…