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Lamentations 2:22-23 | Memory Verse Collection

Our memory verse for November is found in Lamentations 2:22-23:

The faithful love of the Lord never ends. His mercies never cease. Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh every morning.

It seems appropriate that this month it would be a verse that focuses on abundance. That as we count our blessings, we would intentionally dwell in the abundance of God’s love and mercy.

I find encouragement in the reminder of mercies anew each day because on the days that are hard and discouraging, it’s a welcome reminder of God’s ability to break the cycle of darkness and replace it with light.

We carry around a lot of expectations and they’re inevitable, yet tricky things because they often lay just beneath the surface, undetected even by ourselves. We don’t know that we hold that expectation until frustration arises within us when it goes unmet.

We weren’t as patient as we had hoped we were going to be. We didn’t smile or look our people in the eye as often as we had wanted. That friend didn’t listen meet us with grace like we had hoped. That family member was in a pricklier mood than we were prepared for. There were too many days in a row without rest. Our thoroughly researched methods of parenting didn’t unfold in practice as flawlessly as we were promised.

When I find myself caught up in disappointment of an afternoon or a day or a string of days I’m so thankful for the faithfulness of God, for fresh beginnings with each new dawn, for endless love, and for ceaseless mercies. Would you dwell on that with me this month?

Below you’ll find a free printable of Lamentations 2:22-23. It’s a longer verse, so our approach is going to be taking on a phrase at a time.

  • Week One: “The faithful love of the Lord never ends.”
  • Week Two: “His mercies never cease.”
  • Week Three: “Great is His faithfulness.”
  • Week Four: “His mercies begin afresh every morning.”