This is an ever growing place for all things letter D. We used the letter D as inspiration in instances that made sense, but if there wasn’t something that fit naturally, we simply substituted it with something else we wanted to learn about. If you’d like to read an overview of the structure and creation of this home preschool series you can find that here. This post will be jumping right into our resources for this week.
- If You Give a Dog a Donut by Laura Numeroff^
- Dandelion by Don Freeman^
- Ten Little Rubber Ducks by Eric Carle
- The Magic School Bus: In the Time of the Dinosaurs by Joanna Cole^
- Song and Dance Man by Karen Ackerman^
- Digger, Dozer, Dumper by Hope Vestergaard^
- The Dot by Peter H. Reynolds
- The Digging-est Dog by Al Perkins
- How to Catch a Dragon by Adam Wallace
- Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey
- Harry the Dirty Dog by Gene Zion
- Ten Black Dots by Donald Crews
(I’ve only listed the books that we’ve read and enjoyed. But within each list you might also notice this arrow ^. I’ve placed that beside the ones that I think make a great addition to a home children’s library based on their exceptional rereadability or reference material.)

- Claude Debussy: We talked about our usual questions while painting: What did they like/not like? How did the pieces make them feel? What instruments did they hear? (Dance/make a stuffed animal dance to the music to provide a visual for what the music sounds like.)
- Leonardo Da Vinci
- Sonia Delaunay

- “D is for Dots” Worksheet with Rainbow Stickers (Free download for that below.)
- Create a Drawing Book: Graham has always displayed a preference for drawing with pens over things like finger painting. (Something I suspect he gets from his dad.) But it can be challenging sometimes to think of something to draw or visualize something clearly enough in your mind to draw it. We don’t always use this book, because I think that very challenge is part of the creativity, but this book has come in handy often in places like church or restaurants or waiting rooms. It’s been helpful for learning how to draw what you see and in that way helpful as a pre writing activity as well. It’s simply a photo album with some pictures of some of his favorite things and blank paper. That’s literally all it is. But it’s been an invitation for all of us to draw more often together as a family. The photo album provides a hard enough surface for drawing wherever we happen to be. Graham’s book has pictures of things like tractors, berries, trucks, self-portraits, animals, etc..
- Make Discovery Bottles
- Paint Your Own Rainbow Dot Stickers

- Do-Re-Mi
- Poem: Dandelions in the Sun by Annette Wynne
- Poem: Daffadowndilly by A.A. Milne
- Poem: Dandelion by Nellie M. Garabrant
- Number Focus 3 + 4: We played a simple little game at snack time we’ve unoriginally called “Pick a Card.” I hold up our number flashcards for them to pick a card (blank side facing them). They would tell me the number and count out that many of whatever we were having for snack. I’ll admit. It doesn’t sound wildly exciting to me either. But they asked to do it again and again, day after day. Once they seemed to master 3 + 4, we added the 1 + 2 back in as well.
- Practice in “My Name” Book
- Bedtime Prayers: We began using the P.R.A.Y. acronym as a model for our nighttime prayers together. (P—Praise/Gratitude, R—Repent, A—Ask, Y—Yield)
- “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.”—JAMES 4:8

I share this list because I believe in using the resources that you have. Some preschool plans have made me feel like I need to buy very specific resources, which often isn’t necessary. There are so many perfect materials that already exist in our homes for preschool play and creativity and learning. These words are to serve as inspiration for your own art projects or imaginative play.
- Dinosaurs
- Ducks
- Digging
- Dirt
- Diner
- Dad
- Doughnuts
- Daisy
- Dominoes
- Dots
- Dreams
- Dice
- Drum
- Dancing
- Drawing
- Doctor
- Dress Up
- Dandelion
- Daffodil
- Demolition
Below is a one sheet of the activities we used for the week. I prefer the option of printing things out for the week and having them all in one place (worksheets, poems, plans, etc.). You’ll also find the “D” is for Dots page we did, a blank letter D to fill in if you’d prefer something different, and a large tracing page that can be used with playdough, dry erase markers, or other loose parts. You’ll also find a simple printout of the poems for the week. And the A-Z memory verse collection can be found here.
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