• Psalm 28:7 | Memory Verse Collection

    There are many potential themes for the songs we sing with our lives. We can sing songs of accomplishment, songs of anxiety, songs of self-sufficiency, songs of overwhelm, songs of hurry, songs of importance, songs of the almost good. But  allowing our song to be one of praise suggests an anchoring, a steadiness throughout the chaos that is life. Praise is the song that is appropriate for every occasion, when other songs become irrelevant. It suggests that for every circumstance, we turn to the God who is present and faithful and enough. It suggests that even when life is hard, God is comfort. That when life is good, God is the…

  • Genesis 1:31 | Memory Verse Collection

    This month we’ve been exploring the creation story and delighting in the fact that God is one who creates good things. We slowly unpacked the story of creation: from chaos, order; from nothing, life; from darkness, light. I crave rhythms that remind me to speak truth into Graham’s life because I know how prone I am to forgetfulness. But I am also leaning into impromptu moments of speaking truth over him as it comes to mind. Today before nap time was an instance, “Did you know God loves you? The same God who made the stars and the moon and the flowers made you and calls you good. I love…

  • Revelation 21:5 | Memory Verse Collection

    As we begin afresh with another year, I’m thankful for the promises of newness we find scattered throughout our lives. Each new year. Each new season. Each new morning. With every sunrise, I see this verse displayed and am filled with gratitude that we are made new in the same way the days are made new—over and over and over. I find this act of being made new to be less destination focused and more a matter of process. There is beauty waiting not just at the end, but also in the becoming, in the unfolding of that beauty along the way. I find encouragement in the way that after…

  • Love Never Ends

    Though this short string of words could mean several things, there are two predominant ways that it’s teaching me in this season. It’s reminding me of the abundance of love and that the call to love is never completed. The Abundance of Love The first truth I’m reminded of today: Love doesn’t run out. It doesn’t follow the regular logic that applies to most resources. Giving it away doesn’t result in depleted stores when we’re sourcing our love properly. In a world where scarcity is proclaimed loudly and often, it’s tempting to hoard our love. But much like manna, it is intentionally created with a short shelf life. When we…

  • Love Bears All Things

    Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 1 Corinthians 13 I’ve been meditating on this sentence for the past month, conflicted by what I’ve always thought it to mean, what I want it to mean, and where it intersects with a messy world. I’ve longed for clarity, or rather to be able to neatly package an understanding of unconditional love. But I’m just not sure if such a package exists. The appeal of hard and fast, absolute rules makes sense. I appreciate the black and white simplicity of that path and the independence that that would permit us rather than the complicated work of…

  • Love is Transparency

    Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 1 Corinthians 13 As demonstrated in this portion, love is a matter of right relationship. Where I’ve misunderstood this in the past is that I’ve taken right relatedness to mean the equivalent of flawlessness. But relationship is banter. It’s back and forth. And it’s this back and forth that renders us more loving than before. Rather than an invitation to spend a lifetime striving towards a standard we can never meet, the sort of relationship we are called to is about honest connection with God about who we are today. And…

  • Love Celebrates the Good Always

    Love does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 1 Corinthians 13 If we eliminate the negatives, we find that the absence of envy, boasting, and pride imply the presence of something else. Perhaps they imply that love is content, benevolent, and humble. Perhaps they imply that love celebrates the good always. We celebrate its presence anywhere. We value goodness so highly that we delight in it even when it unfolds in the life of someone else. We enjoy the presence of good, even when it’s not on our preferred time table. We’re content with the good bestowed upon us and we don’t boast or feel proud…

  • Love is Kind

    Love is patient. Love is kind. The two both seem to sprout forth from a common ground of grace. Where patience is a matter responding with grace, kindness is a matter of initiating grace. Patience is gracious in its reaction and kindness is gracious in its proactivity. Kindness seeks out ways to exert extra thought and effort on someone’s behalf. Kindness necessitates that we think of another—which therefore means that our thoughts take a break from being on ourselves. And so when we pursue kindness, we are also allowing space for the cultivation of selflessness. And that kind of seems to be the way of it. As I meditate on…

  • Love is Patient

    I’m meditating on the love passage in 1 Corinthians these next several days as we enter February beginning with: Love is patient. It’s tempting to isolate each of these attributes of love and feed ourselves a message of try harder. To tell ourselves that we need to will ourselves to better patience. But this way of thinking is built upon a faulty foundation, a foundation that believes we are capable of self-perfection and we’re just not trying hard enough. It’s a wearying journey. And love calls us to patience with others and also with ourselves. When we notice a lack of virtue in our lives, it’s obvious that we have…

  • Finding Joy Where Heaven Meets Earth

    Each time I’ve sat down to reflect on joy this season, I’ve been forced to face just how disconnected I’ve become from living a joy filled life. I blame adulthood, but I know it’s much more complex than that. Perhaps it’s not so much adulthood, but the constant preoccupation that tends to accompany adulthood. The responsibilities feel never ceasing and a lack of organization has me constantly feeling that I’ve forgotten something terribly important. I do miss the carefree spirit that often accompanies childhood and that we so often perceive as joy. Children are some of the very best examples I know when it comes to presence in the moment…